Amy's Tall Tale

Category: Narrative

Amy Li was so shy that when people talked to her she would run away as fast as an OlympicOlympic runner. When the teacher chose her to answer a question she looked like a statue in a museum. When people asked her could she be their friend she would lock herself in the deepestdeepest dungeon.

In the classroom the desks were a giant problem for her. Everyone was talking and she was too shy to try to stop them so she couldn’t do her work properly.properly. The next problem was the mat. Every time the teacher said to get a partnerpartner she could feel the nervousnessnervousness crawlinging up to her. The third was the hub. Loads of people went there to work so she went there too. All the squeezesqueezing and pushing made her annoyed.annoyed. She wanted to yell at them, “Stop bumping me!” but she was too shy to.

One day a new girl from China arrived and the kind teacher suggested, “You look after Georgiana, Amy.” She was very excited but nervous at the same time. The other girl seemed to feel the same. Amy showed her where to sit and what to do. At lunch she saw Georgiana sitting by herself in the playground and she really wanted to go up to her but her feet were gluedglued to the ground like standing in quicksand.quicksand.  

One day a nasty lout from the classroom next door was over in the playground bullyingbullying Georgiana. He was calling her mean names and throwing ping pong balls at her. She was curled up in a ball, sobbing.sobbing. Amy wanted to save her but she was too scared.scared. She looked around for a duty teacher but she could notcouldn’t   find any. She would have to do it herself.herself.  

She sprinted over there and yelled, “Hey, leave her alone! Think how you would feel if you were new here and someone was bullying you! That is not nice!” Amy picked up the ping pong balls and started to hurl them at the lout. Georgiana thought that was a good idea and started to pelt him too.

The bully ran away, wailing,wailing, "I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”

Amy and Georgiana became the best friends in the entireentire universe and the lout never bullybullied anyone ever again.

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