
Letters come in all shapes and sizes. They can take the form of a handwritten note on paper, put in an envelope and mailed using the old-fashioned postal system. They can be on the back of a postcard. But mostly, now, our written correspondence happens in the form of email, sent via the Internet. Letters and email can be very informal and chatty, written to friends and family, or more formal, written to a person you may have only met or communicated with briefly before, or they can be very formal, to a business or to an official in a government office, where you don't know the name, or don't wish to use the name of the person who will receive the correspondence.

Title Author Hits
Alex's Letter to an Alien Penpal Written by Love to Learn 647
Alex's Letter to an Alien Penpal Test Written by Love to Learn Admin 547
Email to Oogly from Tahu Written by Love to Learn 575
Liam's Letter to an Alien Penpal Written by Liam 569
Penpal Letter from Amy Written by Amy 582
Penpal Letter from Ben 538
Penpal Letter from Millar Written by Millar 540
Penpal Letter from Molly 519
Penpal Letter from Reilly Written by Reilly 535
Testing Written by Love to Learn Admin 562