David Hockney - Yorkshire Painter

Category: Non-fiction

portraitDavid HockneyHockney was born in 1937 in Bradford,Bradford, England. He went to school at Bradford GrammarGrammar School and then attendedattended Bradford CollegeCollege and the Royal College of Art in London. His father, KennethKenneth Hockney, was a conscienceconscientious objectorobjector during World War One. His first works were anecdoteanecdotal (telling stories) and ironyironic (a meaning below what you actually see). 

 images1In 1964, Hockney moved to California,California, USA, where he developeddeveloped a more realisticrealistic way of painting. The main themes at this time were pools, landscapeslandscapes and portraits.portraits.  He completedcompleted a seriesseries of paintings in acrylicsacrylics of swimming pools. 

From 1966, David Hockney increasinglyincreasingly used photographsphotographs for his paintings. He made ​​collages containingcontaining just photographs – joining and combinecombining photos (often taken with a PolaroidPolaroid camera) to form a patchworkpatchwork image. 

davidhockney4 After 1980, Hockney's work had a more expressionisticexpressionistic (art that tries to show feeling and meaning rather than reality) character.character. His work shows influencesinfluences of Picasso and he was very friendly with the American pop artist Andy Warhol.Warhol. Besides paintings, mother i david hockney 1985Hockney also makes drawings and etchingsetchings (a kind of print making). Hockney is an avidavid useruser of the Brushes iPhone app. He uses it to draw portraits and send them to friends. He has also designeddesigned sets and costumescostumes for ballets and operas. Hisoperas. His paintings sell for millions of dollars. The Tate GalleryGallery says he is one of the most popularpopular and versatileversatile British artists of the 20th century.


Clarify these words: Grammar, attended, College, conscientious objector, anecdotal, ironic, developed, realistic/reality, landscapes, portraits, themes, acrylic, collages, Polaroid, patchwork, expressionistic, influences, etchings, avid, versatile.

To help you summarise this artist information report, follow these steps:

  • Decide on a heading for the first paragraph, what is it mainly about?
  • Pick out the most important fact.
  • Now support this with one or two interesting facts.
  • Do the same with the rest of the paragraphs.


Make inferences or give opinions about:

  • How his father being a conscientious objector might have affected him.
  • How the artwork The Biggest Splash might be anecdotal and ironic.
  • How a collage might be like a patchwork.
  • Which artwork is realistic and which is impressionistic.
  • What you know about Picasso and Andy Warhol and how they might have influenced his work.
  • How you know David Hockney has kept up with changes in technology in his art.

What other information would you like to find out about David Hockney? 

What connections can you make with this artist report?

Word Study

Verb endings: Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed, ing to: complete, increase, combine, use, sell.

Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like tiousalicisticly, ity, er to these words: conscience, anecdote, irony, real, expression, increasing, real, use.

What two words make up these compound wordslandscapes, photographs, patchwork.