Pink Beach Chapter 7
"Who feels better now?" Mrs Gale asked.
"I do!" Mia and Ricki both said, rubbingrubbing their tummytummies like stuffedstuffed greedygreedy pigs.
But Tim said, sadly,sadly, "I reallyreally did want the sand to be pink!"
"Well, it isit's grey, Tim," said Mr Gale, "but it's been an unusualunusual picnicpicnic all the same. Now, shall we walk as far as those high rocks at the end of the sand?"
"No, I willI'll race you there," cried Ricki, and he, Tim and Mia ran off.
Photograph by Mike Shields Wikimedia CommonsRicki reached the rocks first, and while he and Mia lookedlooked for rock pools, Tim climbedclimbed up to the top. As Mr and Mrs Gale reached the rocks, they saw Tim dancedancing and wavewaving his arms and heard him shout, "It's pink! It's pink! Come and look! It's pink!"
They all climbed up to see, and looked down at a tiny beach of really pink sand. It was a very small beach actually,actually, with high black rocks, like silentsilent statues,statues, at each end, but it was piledpiled deep with bright pink sand.
Comprehension Summarise what has happened so far in this narrative. Clarify these words: tummies, stuffed, unusual, actually, statues, piled. Retell what happens in this chapter. Was the prediction you made correct? Make inferences about:
Predict what you think might happen next. What question could you ask about this chapter? Visualise these uses of descriptive language: rubbing their tummies like stuffed greedy pigs; Tim said sadly, "I really did want the sand to be pink!"; Tim dancing and waving his arms; a tiny beach of really pink sand; high black rocks, like silent statues; piled deep with bright pink sand. Make a connection with this chapter. |
Word Study Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed or ing to: rub, dance, wave, pile. Other affixes: What happens when we add prefixes and suffixes like un, y, ly, s to these words: usual, greed, sad, real, actual, tummy. What two words are contracted here: it's, I'll.