Pink Beach Chapter 5
"I amI'm scratched!" said Tim.
"I'm cut and scratched!" said Ricki.
"I'm cut and scratched and I haveI've fallenfallen over a log and grazedgrazed my shin!" said Mia.
Photograph by Maggy Wassellieff Creative Commons
"I'm cut and scratched and bruisedd by stumps, and my dress is torn, and I'm muddy!"muddy!" said Mrs Gale.
"I'm scratched and cut and bruised and muddy and my shirt is in ribbonsribbons and I've been nearlynearly chokedchoked by vines and creepers!"ers!" said Mr Gale.
They all laughed and Mr Gale said, "Let usLet's push on – it may get easyeasier soon!"
They did push on, gettinggetting even more scratched and torn and muddy, until they came to the end of the big trees, and reachedreached quite a differentdifferent kind of bush. Here, there was nothingnothing growinggrowing but tall, very thin manukamanuka trees, so close together that there was notwasn't room even for Tim to slip betweenbetween them.
There seemedseemed to be no way to get through withoutwithout a lot more scratches and bruises, but Mr Gale did think of a way. "I'm the biggestbiggest and strongest,"strongest," he said. "I'll make a path." So he did. He made the path by fallingfalling backwardsbackwards againstagainst the thin manuka trees until they broke with his weight. He did it again and again, and Mrs Gale, Mia, Ricki and Tim pushedpushed through the pathwaypathway he made until at last they came right out of the trees and ontoonto the sand and saw the beach and sea.
Comprehension Summarise what has happened so far in this narrative. Clarify these words: grazed, bruised, stumps, choked, vines, creepers, manuka. Retell what happens in this chapter. Was the prediction you made correct? Make inferences about:
Predict what you think might happen next. What question could you ask about this chapter? Visualise these uses of descriptive language: scratched and cut and bruised; my dress is torn and I'm muddy; my shirt is in ribbons; nearly choked by vines and creepers; falling backwards against the thin manuka trees. Make a connection with this narrative. |
Word Study Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed and ing to: graze, bruise, choke, get. Other affixes: What happens when we add prefixes and suffixes like y, ly, er, est to these words: mud, near, easy, big, strong. Why is there a t in scratched? What two words make up these compound words: without, pathway, onto. What two words are contracted here: I'm, I’ve, let's.