The Eagle and the Fox Chapter 1
An eagleeagle had her nest at the top of a very high pine tree, where she thought her childrenchildren would be safe from the attacksattacks of any otherother animal.animal. One day, when she was huntinghunting for some food for her family,family, she saw a fox cub on a flat rock, baskingbasking in the sun. She swoopeded quicklyquickly down and graspedgrasped it in her strong claws, but beforebefore she could fly off with it the mother fox saw her from the distance and crycried out to her, beggingbegging her to leave the cub. "You are a mothermother too," wept the fox. "You would not like any harm to come to your children. Please, please leave me my cub."
Comprehension Clarify these words: pine, attacks, basking, swooped, grasped, distance, begging, cub, harm. Retell what has happened in this chapter. Make inferences about:
Predict what you think might happen next at each stage of the reading. What question could you ask at each stage of the reading? Visualise these uses of descriptive language: nest at the top of a very high pine tree; fox cub on a flat rock, basking in the sun; swooped quickly down and grasped it in her strong claws. Make a connection with this chapter. What is the main idea or theme of this fable? What do you think the author is trying to tell us? |
Word Study Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed or ing to: think, see, fly, see, cry, beg, leave, weep. Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like ly to these words: quick.