Blowing Out the Candles

Category: Slice of Life

Hissss!!! Dad lit the candles on my birthday cake with a lighter.lighter. My cake was decorateddecorated like a mini-golf course. On top of the cake were seven ordinaryordinary candles and one sparklysparkly candle, like a firework.firework. I turnedturned off the light. To make my day really special, my family sang Happy Birthday beautifully.beautifully. Look! The iceicing on the cake was glowingglowing bright green. The edge of the tabletable cut intointo my chest when I blew the candles out. The smoke made my eyes runny.runny. I was excitedexcited when I pickedpicked up my piece of cake and put it in my mouth. Yum!!

By Liam



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