Penpal Letter from Ben

Category: Letters

180 Kitten Ave
Mt Albert
Auckland 1025
Planet Earth

23 September 2015

Dear Oogley

My name is Ben. I did not know that Earth had a sister planet Smurth. Just like you, we have a solar system but ours is called the FlonkyFlonky Way.

If you are nine years old, then I am 999 years old. After me, I have a little brother and sister and a mum and dad. I have short, straight, brown hair, two brown eyes, a lot of white teeth and two ears for listeninglistening and one nose for smelling.smelling. My brother is called DoogleyDoogley because he's a bit wonky.wonky. As well as me, he has two eyes but 33 pink teeth. As long as it is not too dangerous,dangerous, my Mum says I can have a pet. I will have a T-Rex rather than a boreboring fluffyfluffy cat.

While I am talking about my favouritefavourite pet, let's move on to my favourite friend. Killer-Millar is his name. He lives close to me. He has to roar before coming into my house because he and I are the only ones who know the secretsecret code.  

Oogley, did you know my favourite subjectsubject at school was reading until my teacher told me I was best at maths?

Because my favourite moving and talking flicks are about animals and sports, I go to lots of them. I like to eat pizzapizza and popcornpopcorn while watchingwatching flicks. (Wooh! I just figuredfigured out the meaningmeaning of flicks - pictures that flicker!)flicker!)  

I hope to hear from you soon.

Your Earth friend

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