Penpal Letter from Millar
102 Allencoast Rd
Mt Albert
New Zealand
7 September 2032
Dear Oogley
My name is MillarMillar and I come from a planet called Earth. Our solarsolar systemsystem is called the MilkyMilky Way, where it looks like milk because it is full of stars.
I am eight years old. Even though my brother ReillyReilly is only six years old, he is nearlynearly as tall as me, and my littlestlittlest brother MasonMason is three. I haveI’ve got straight, light brown hair and two brown eyes. I’ve also got two ears to listenlisten with and one nose to smell with. I have arms and legs, as long as snakes, comecoming from my body.
My AuntyAunty has a white, fluffyfluffy pet dog. After you give him some pats, he will roll on his back, whether or not you want to pat him more.
I have known my best friend EthanEthan ever since I was born. Because they moved to the North Shore, he does notdoesn’t go to my school anymore.anymore. When it was his last day, we got to make our own My favourite subjectsubject at school is maths. I like working with the teacher while I amI’m solvesolving trickytricky problems.problems.
My favourite movies are funny and cool ones for kids, even though they sometimessometimes are a bit scare.scary
I hope to hear more about what you do on your planet soon.
Your new friend