At the Beach

Category: Descriptions

Squawk! A glidegliding seagullseagull landed close to me on the beach, wanting to eat a piece of bread. I was lying on my big, thick, comfortable mermaidmermaid towel, reading my favourite Thea Sisters book under a huge, shady, colourfulcolourful sun umbrella. The bright yellow sun in a light blue sky was shineshining on me, heating my legs, while the soft, gentle wind stroked my skin with the tickletickly beige sand.

I walked on the hot sand towards my Mum. "If I don't drink somethingsomething soon, I'm going to die of thirst," I croaked.croaked. She gave me fruityfruity pineapplepineapple juice in a little containercontainer and I gulpedgulped it down. It cooled me down. I bit a piece of crunchycrunchy cracker. My lips tastedtasted saltysalty and I didn't feel hungry anymore.anymore.  

I went down to the water and had a paddle.paddle. Even if I was watchinging for the big waves with white toppings,toppings, I still couldn't run away fast enough and I slippedslipped on the sand. I felt a bit scared and there was sand all over my face. It felt very grittygritty and spikespiky in my mouth.

misc beachball 300px 2Splat! A colourfulcolourful beachballbeachball bouncedd close to me. A little black and white terrierterrier was chasechasing it, yappingyapping excitedly.excitedly.  

ChatteringChattering children were buildingbuilding a tall sandcastle.sandcastle. They decorateddecorated it with shells and seaweed.seaweed.  

It was time to go home but I had had a fantasticfantastic day at the wonder*fulwonderful beach.

By Amy

