Book Worm Ruby
She's read every book in the library!library! PuffyPuffy hair, like marshmallow,marshmallow, sits on her shoulders,shoulders, as she lies on the library floor, relaxedrelaxed as a sleepingsleeping cat. Her goldishgoldish freckles dust her face, like floppingflopping on a soft bed of pale feathers. After she's been readingreading for a while, her hazelhazel eyes start to sting and she closes them and rubs them gentlegently. Then, a small secretsecret smile appearss on her face, like a sly fox, as she throws herselfherself back into the book. Whether or not the plot is scarescary, she still reads to the end of the book. SeeingSeeing picturespictures in her head, so vividvivid it's like a movie,movie, she thinks, "Watch out! Oh no, what's going to happen next?" She finishesfinishes the book, so disappointed,disappointed, and gets up to put the book back on the shelf. She takes anotheranother book and starts all over again.