Instructions For Drawing a Self Portrait in the Style of Frida Kahlo
What you need:
A piece of A4 or A5 blank paper, a pencil, a rubber, black vivid, crayons/ pastels/ colouring pencils.
Steps 1 and 21. Draw a numbernumber 2 in the middlemiddle of your page.
2. Place two dots for pupils,pupils, first checkingchecking how close togethertogether your eyes are in the mirror.mirror. Then draw circlescircles aroundaround them for the eyes.
3. Draw guide dots each side of the circles, then draw curves top and Steps 3 and 4bottom,bottom, touchingtouching the circles, to make the eyes. Add eyelasheseyelashes if you want.
4. Draw in eyebrows,eyebrows, useusing the curve of the 2 for the left one. Check first for your eyebrow shape and thickness.
5. Draw very light dots down from the pupils to below the bottom of the 2 Steps 5 and 6and draw a line betweenbetween them to form your mouth. This will be correctcorrect for the width. Now look in the mirror to see how thick or thin your lips are. There will be a bow on the top and a curve on the bottom.
6. Check in the mirror for the shape of your chin. Is it pointed or round? From the eyebrows, draw your face and chin.
Steps 7 and 87. Draw the top of your head in, checkingchecking againagain for its shape – have you got a high foreheadforehead or a low forehead?
8. Add ears, linelining them up with your eyebrows. Check for their shape, are they like peanuts?peanuts? A D shape? A B shape?
9. Look at the bottom of the 2. This is your nose. Check in the mirror. Is it Steps 9 and 10fat or thin, long or short? AlterAlter the 2 to make it YOUR nose.
10. Now for your hair. Have you got short, spikespiky hair with a spiky fringe? Draw it this way. Do notDon’t forgetforget to rub out the top of the head guide lines.
11. Have you got short hair with a centrecentre or side part? Start from a point just above the top of the head and bring it down each side to the ears. Steps 11 and 12Rub out the guide lines again.
12. Have you got your hair in pony tails? Draw bows in as shown,shown, then draw the curved lines to make the pony tails. Draw the lines from the parted hair to the bows to show the hair pulledpulled into the pony tails.
13. Have you got long hair? If you have a fringe, use the instructions in number 9. Otherwise follow the instructionsinstructions above for the centre or side parting.parting. Then draw lines goinggoing down each side for the hair, from the dot above the head. Think about whetherwhether your hair goesgoes in front or behindbehind your ears.
Steps 13 - 1514. Add a neck, checking again whether you have a thick or a thin one, and add the top of the shirt or dress that you are wearing.
15. Now go over the lines you want to keep in vividvivid and rub out any unwantedunwanted pencilpencil lines. Check your skin, eye and lip colourcolour in the mirror and colour them in accurately.accurately. Add colour to the clothes you can see.
Finally, around your face, add signs and symbolssymbols that tell something about YOU! Use these questions to help you:
What is your favourite:
- colour?
- food?
- school subject?
- sport?
- sports team?
- hobby?
- season?
- holiday?
- animal?
- time of day?
- thing to draw?
- place?
Comprehension Clarify these words: A4, A5, guide dots/lines, curve, forehead, alter, accurately, signs, symbols, hobby. Retell from memory the instructions, trying to get the sequence correct so that you can help a friend. What features do procedural texts (instructions) have? List the busy (imperative) verbs that start each instruction. Make inferences or give opinions about:
What parts of your self-portrait look like you? What parts don't? What suggestions could you make to improve these instructions? |
Word Study Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed or ing to: line, use, forget. Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like un, n, ly to these words: wanted, show, accurate. What two words make up these compound words: around, eyelashes, eyebrows, forehead. What two words make up this contraction? don't