Watch Out For Boris!

Category: Non-fiction

BorisBoris the KunekuneKunekune pig got a bit too close to an AucklandAuckland womanwoman when she stoppedstopped to rescue him from the busy traffic.traffic.  

Kune kune pig Chessington ZooBoris the runaway Kunekune pigHe had escapedescaped from his grassygrassy paddockdock through a big hole in the fence and was havehaving a lovelylovely time chasechasing the fast cars. The woman was afraid he would get run over so she stoppedstopped and trytried to openopen a padlockedpadlocked farm gate so she could shoo him back in. Instead, he nibblednibbled on her cottoncotton trousers and then, when she got into her little car to get away from him, he followeded her in and climbeded ontoonto her comfortablecomfortable lap, as though he was a pet dog. Naughty Boris had to be draggeddragged out by his hind legs. His ownerowner said that he would have been feelingfeeling lonelylonely and wantingwanting entertainingentertaining companycompany because the familyfamily was away.



Clarify these words: Kunekune, rescue, paddock, padlocked, shoo, nibbled, cotton, comfortable, hind, entertaining, company.

Retell what happened in this newspaper report.

What is the headline of this report? What job does a headline do?

What is the introduction? What job does an introduction do?

Make inferences or give opinions about:

  • How Boris got a little too close.
  • Why Boris might have escaped out of the paddock.
  • Whether it would have been easy to open the gate.
  • Why Boris might have nibbled on the woman's trousers.
  • Why Boris might have climbed on her lap.
  • Why he would have been so hard to get out of the car.

What connections can you make with this newspaper report?

Word Study

Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed and ing to: stop, rescue, have, chase, stop, try, nibble, drag.

Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like yly, able to these words: grass, love, lone, comfort.

What two words make up these compound wordspadlocked, onto.