The Big Hill Chapter 4
There was a flat-toppedtopped tree stump, and anotheranother furtherfurther on, and another, and another. SomeoneSomeone had been there with an axe, years before. They pushedpushed their way on up the slope from stump to stump.
“These are landmarks,landmarks, are notaren’t they, Dad?” asked Tim.
“They are, and if they had nothadn’t been here to guide us, we could notcouldn’t have left the streambed,”streambed,” said Mr Gale. “But this seems to be a much easyeasier slope.”
Mia had been going aheadahead again,again, and now she came runningrunning back to the others. “I haveI’ve found something,”something,” she whispered,whispered, “but you willnotwon't see it unlessunless you areyou’re very quiet.” They followedfollowed her as silentlysilently as they could to the next tree stump, and past it to a clearingclearing in the bush. The clearing was small and sunnysunny and grass-covered.covered. There was a huge grey rock in the middlemiddle of it, and on top of the rock, asleepasleep in the sun, was a lizard,lizard, as green as grass.
Photograph by Nita from Auckland, New Zealand“Oh, how lovelylovely he is in the sun!” said Ricki in a small whisper, but even that sound was enough. The lizard woke and was gone with a flash of green.
“That was somethingsomething very few people see,” Mr Gale told them. “Green lizards are rare and shy. RememberRemember him, you may never see another.”another.”
Comprehension Summarise what has happened so far in this narrative. Clarify these words: flat-topped, stump, further, axe, landmarks, guide, slope, rare, shy. Retell what happens in this chapter. Make inferences and give opinions about:
What prediction can you make about what might happen next? What question could you ask about this chapter? Visualise these uses of descriptive language: a flat-topped tree stump; pushed their way up the slope from stump to stump; the clearing was small and sunny and grass-covered; huge grey rock in the middle; on top of the rock, asleep in the sun, was a lizard, as green as grass; "Oh, how lovely he is in the sun!" said Ricki in a small whisper; gone with a flash of green; green lizards are rare and shy. Make a connection with this chapter. |
Word Study Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed or ing to: top, run, clear. Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like un, er, ly, y to these words: less, easy, silent, love, sun. What is the singular form of: themselves. What two words make up these compound words: another, landmark, streambed, ahead, again, asleep, something. What two words are contracted here: aren't, hadn't, couldn't, won't, I've.