The Big Hill Chapter 7
Photograph courtesy of down the steep part beyondbeyond the clearing was nearlynearly as hard as comecoming up, and once more they usedused their arms as much as their legs, as they swung and slid and slippedslipped from tree to tree. At last they exitedexited the bush on to the beach, and saw the little boat waiting for them. Mr Gale got there first and began a carefulcareful search for the tea things. Thirstyy Ricki was there next, but in no time at all it was plain that everythingeverything to drink had been left, not in the boat, but at the cottage.cottage.
“I amI’m sorry, Ricki, but you know our rule about not drinkingdrinking water unless it hasit’s been boiled,”ed,” said Mr Gale, and Ricki nodded.nodded.
Mia had her back to them and turnedturned aroundaround suddenlysuddenly with a peeledpeeled cucumbercucumber in her hand. “I savedsaved one for you, just in case,” she said.
Ricki stretchedstretched out his hand, closedclosed his eyes, made a horriblehorrible face, and slowlyslowly bit into the cucumber. He had to, he was so thirsty that he would have trytried anything.anything. Then his face changed.changed. He smiledsmiled and lookedlooked surprised,surprised, both at once! “Golly, that was good. Any more?”
“Well, yes,” said Mr Gale. “I have one left and I think Tim hasTim’s got one, too.”
“Hand them over,” said Ricki, “and I willI’ll never say that I do notdon’t like any kind of food again.”
“Mum will be so glad to hear that,” Mr Gale laughed.laughed. “Now all aboard,aboard, and home as fast as we can. Cucumbers are all very well, but I want a cup of tea!”
Comprehension Summarise what has happened so far in this narrative. Clarify these words: clearing, exited, plain, golly, aboard. Retell what happens in this chapter. Make inferences and give opinions about:
What question could you ask about this chapter? What other ending could the narrative have had? Visualise this use of descriptive language: they swung and slid and slipped from tree to tree; Ricki stretched out his hand, made a horrible face and slowly bit into the cucumber; his face changed, he smiled and looked surprised, both at once. Make a connection with this chapter. What is the main idea or theme of this narrative? What do you think the author is trying to tell us? |
Word Study Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed and ing to: come, use, slip, save, close, try, change, smile, surprise. Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like ly, ful, y to these words: near, sudden, slow, care, thirst. What two words make up these compound words: everything, anything, aboard. What two words are contracted here: I'm, it's, I'll, don't, Tim's.