Fishing at Night Chapter 4

Category: Fishing at Night

NightScape 300pxThe night was warm and quiet and very dark – there were stars but no moon. The fires on the shore and the movemoving torchestorches over the water were bright and shineshining. Mia and Ricki and Tim kept close together,together, beingbeing as quiet as they could, whisperingwhispering to each other and tryingtrying not to splash. They shone their lights down intointo the water and straineded their eyes to see the dim shapes of flounders. Often they saw them, but as soon as a spear was raised,d, the flounder would flash away.away.  

“Flounders are very hard to see,” Tim whisperedwhispered and Ricki answered,answered, “They are hard to see while they arethey’re    still but once they move you can see them easyeasily."  

“Yes,” said Mia, still whispering, “but you must see them while they are still, because you can notcan’t     possiblepossibly spear them moving.”


Summarise what has happened so far in this narrative.

Clarify these words: strained, dim, raised.

Retell what has happened in this chapter.

Make inferences and give opinions about:

  • Why there might have been stars but no moon.
  • Why they were whispering.
  • Why they tried not to splash.
  • Why they were straining their eyes.
  • Why the shapes of the flounders were dim.
  • Why the flounder might have flashed away as soon as the spear was raised.
  • Why flounders might be hard to see.
  • Why it would be hard to spear a flounder when it's moving.


What prediction can you make about what might happen next?

What question could you ask about this chapter?

Visualise these uses of descriptive language: the night was warm and quiet and very dark; there were stars but no moon; the moving torches over the water were bright and shining; Mia and Ricki and Tim kept close together, being as quiet as they could, whispering to each other and trying not to splash; shone their lights down into the water; strained their eyes to see the dim shapes of the flounders; as soon as a spear was raised, the flounder would flash away.

Make a connection with this chapter.

Word Study

Verb endings: What happens when we add sed or ing to: moveshine, keep, try, splash, raise.

Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like s, ly to these words: torch, easy, possible. 

What two words make up these compound words: into,  away.

What two words are contracted here: it's, they're, can't.