Engine Trouble Chapter 8
Check out the link to a Youtube clip showing one of these outboard motors below.SeveralSeveral days laterlater the familyfamily rowedrowed up the riverriver again.again. The man at the serviceservice stationstation was on his wharf to meet them, and he handedhanded the motor down to Mr Gale, who screweded it ontoonto the back of the boat. Then he took the startinging rope and wound it round the flywheelflywheel and “prrrtt" awayaway went the little boat more quicklyquickly than ever before. At the secondsecond bend in the river Mr Gale sloweded the motor, turneded the boat towardstowards Matakana and stoppedstopped at the wharf. “You haveYou’ve done a fine job. I thought you did notdidn’t know anythinganything aboutabout these motors.”
“I know a lot more about them now,” chuckledchuckled the garagegarage man. “Let me know if she gives you any more trouble.”trouble.”
Mr Gale paid the man and thankedthanked him. He startedstarted the motor and “prrrtt” away they went down the river, and very soon they were home.
“But I still like to row sometimes,”sometimes,” Mia said, and Ricki and Tim said, “So do I.”
“It was becausebecause we were rowingrowing that we saw all those crabs,” said Tim. “If the motor had been going, we wouldwe’d nevernever have knownknown that crabs live in riverbanks.”riverbanks.”
Youtube clip of a British Seagull outboard motor
Comprehension Summarise what has happened so far in this narrative. Clarify these words: service station, wharf, screwed, chuckled. Retell what has happened in this chapter. Make inferences and give opinions about:
What prediction can you make about what might happen next? What other ending could the narrative have had? What question could you ask about this chapter? Visualise these uses of descriptive language: screwed it onto the back of the boat; second bend in the river; chuckled the garage man. Make a connection with this chapter. What is the main idea or theme of this narrative? What do you think the author is trying to tell us? |
Word Study Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed or ing to: take, wind, stop, think, know, chuckle, give. Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like er, ly to these words: late, quick. What two words make up these compound words: again, onto, flywheel, anything, sometimes, riverbanks. What two words are contracted here: you've, didn't, we'd.