How the Deer Got Blunt Teeth Chapter 2
He pulledpulled a long grapevinegrapevine from the bushesbushes and gnawed it in the middle, almost all the way through. Then he stretchedstretched it acrossacross the trail between two trees so that it was a little higherhigher than his head.
Rabbit waitedwaited until he saw Deer coming alongalong the trail, proudlyproudly wearingwearing his new antlers. Rabbit took a good run and jumpedjumped up at the vine. He came back to his startingstarting point and did it again and then again.
“What on earth are you doing?” asked Deer.
“I amI’m practisepractising my jumping,” said Rabbit. “I'm going to cut that grapevine in half with one bite.”
“That’s impossible!”impossible!” said Deer.
“Watch me do it!” shoutedshouted Rabbit. He took a huge leap at the vine and bit it easily in half where he had gnawed at it before.
“Wow! That isThat's amaze"amazing, said Deer. “But if you can do it, so can I.”
Rabbit stretched another grapevine across the trail, but this time of course there was no half-gnawed bit in the middle. Deer ran as fast as he could, took a long leap at the vine, and trytried to snap it with his teeth.
Of course, the vine refusedrefused to break and he was thrownthrown backwardsbackwards and flippedflipped over ontoonto his back. LuckyLuckily his antlers were notweren’t damaged.
“Do notDon't worry, I'm fine,” shouted Deer as scrambledscrambled up and dusteddusted himselfhimself off. He took anotheranother run, leaptleapt at the grapevine and endedended up flippedflipped on his back again.
“Are you all right?” askedasked Rabbit, pretendingpretending to be concerned.concerned. He hoppedhopped over to where Deer lay, bruisedd and hurt on the dustydusty trail. Again, Deer struggledstruggled to his feet and dusted himself off.
Comprehension Summarise what has happened so far in this fable. Clarify these words: grapevine, gnawed, trail, damaged, scrambled up, concerned, struggled. Retell what has happened in this chapter. Make inferences about:
Predict what you think might happen next. What question could you ask about this chapter? Visualise these uses of descriptive language: proudly wearing his new antlers; took a huge leap at the vine; tried to snap the vine with his teeth; thrown backwards and flipped over onto his back; scrambled up and dusted himself off; struggled to his feet. Make a connection with this chapter. |
Word Study Verb endings: What happens when we add s, ed or ing to: stretch, come, wear, practise, take, bite, snap, refuse, run, try, flip, scramble, leap, hop, bruised, struggled. Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like im, s, er, ly, y, n, t to these words: possible, bush, high, proud, possible, easy, luck, dust, throw, leap. What two words make up these compound words: grapevine, backwards, onto. What two words are contracted here: I'm, that's, weren't, don't. |