The Weather

Today it is sunny.1309369274 300px









1364990574 300pxI need sun glasses.








weather showers 300pxYesterday it was  rainy.








nicubunu Umbrella 300pxI needed an umbrella.








1455906596 300pxTomorrow it will be windy.





nicubunu Adventurer hat 300px



I will need a hat.








What weather do you like best? Sunny? Rainy? Windy?


Do you like  cloudy weather?

nicubunu Weather Symbols Cloudy Day 300px

Do you like snowy weather?


Snow Man Circle 300px




Beside the Days of the Week draw in the box what the weather is like. Write a sentences below for each day.

Match the correct form of the 'to be' verb with today, yesterday and tomorrow and add what you think the weather is, was or will be like.

Make inferences and give opinions about:

  • Why you need sunglasses when it is sunny.
  • What else do you need when it is sunny.
  • Why you need an umbrella when it is rainy.
  • What else you need when it is rainy. 
  • Why you need a hat when it is windy.
  • What else you need when it is windy.


What question could you ask about this story?

Make a connection with this story.

Word Study

Verb endings: What happens when we add to: sun, rain, wind, cloud.