Setting C

Category: Descriptions

Rose pressedpressed the ticketticket intointo the outstretchedoutstretched hand of the man waitingwaiting by the door. He tore it in half and returnedreturned the stub to her, mutteringmuttering a few words she could notcouldn't    make out. He pointedpointed the torch he was holdingholding down the side of the dimlydimly lit room she was about to enter. Her pupilspupils widenedwidened as she steppedstepped forwardforward and felt her way down the narrownarrow aisle, peeringpeering closelyclosely at the numberingnumbering on the ends of each row of seats. Stale popcornpopcorn collapsedcollapsed under her feet. FinallyFinally she found the numbernumber she was lookinglooking for and noticed the unoccupyunoccupied seat further along.along. This must be hers. As a young couplecouple stood up to let her pass, their coats fell from their laps and were lost in the dark alleyalley beneathbeneath their foldingfolding seats. Once she was seatedseated she lookedlooked around.around. She was right in the middlemiddle - the best place to be. The front was too close, while the back meantmeant you spent most of your time starestaring at the annoyingannoying too-tall hairstylehairstyle in front.


Clarify these words: pressed, outstretched, stub, muttering, dimly lit, pupils widened, aisle, peering, numbering, stale, collapsed, unoccupied, alley, too-tall hairstyle.

Retell what has happened in this setting description.

Make inferences or give opinions about::

  • Why Rose pressed a ticket into the man's hand.
  • Why he was waiting by the door.
  • What he may have been muttering to her.
  • Why the room might have been dimly lit.
  • Why pupils widen.
  • Why she was peering at the numbered rows.
  • Why she thought the unoccupied seat was hers.
  • Why the couple stood up.
  • Where their coats fell.
  • Why the middle was the best place to be.
  • What the problem with the hairstyle was.


What question could you ask about this description?

Visualise these uses of descriptive language: pressed the ticket into the outstretched hand; tore it in half and returned the stub; muttering a few words she couldn't make out; pointed the torch down the side of the dimly lit room; her pupils widened; felt her way down the narrow aisle, peering closely at the numbering; stale popcorn collapsed under her feet; coats fell from laps lost in the dark alley beneath folding seats; staring at the annoying too-tall hairstyle in front.

Find the clues that let you know what this setting is.

Make a connection with this description.

Word Study

Verb endings: What happens when we add sed or ing to: tear, step, feel, collapse, unoccupy, stand, stare.

Other affixes: What happens when we add other prefixes and suffixes like outre, unly, en, t to these words: stretch, turn, occupied, dim, close, final, wide, mean.

Find some other prepositions like into, by

What two words make up these compound wordsinto, forward, popcorn, along, around, hairstyle.

What two words make up these contractions here: couldn't.