The Hated Prank!

Category: Slice of Life

Carrot 001 Orange w Green Leafs 300pxHave you ever sneakeded out of bed and turneded the alarm off with your mum’s phone? I have. Here’s a story about it. On the 24th of June, on the stroke of midnight,midnight, I sneaked out of bed. I tiptoedtiptoed to my Mum’s room and turned the alarm off. Then I went to the I saw the darknessdarkness in the room. I could hear tap tap tapping, creakinging and the whooshinging fresh air from the fridge. I felt a grinninggrinning circle, a smile on my face. My heart was beatingbeating like a drum but at the same time I felt excitedd because of the other reason – the prank! I started to slice a carrotcarrot until it was hollow.hollow. After that I tippedtipped some milk into the carrot. 

The next day I waited for my nine-year-old sister to eat her carrot. Milk explodedexploded out of it!!! She screamed. I thought, "Bad move number one!"

By Oscar
