A Christmas Poem
When it is Christmas time, we do lots of things:
Going to Christmas in the Park but not when it’s raining.ing.
Singing carolscarols tunefullyfully and loudlyly until I’ve got a sore throat.
DecorateDecorating the Christmas tree wheneverwhenever the time is right to go Christmas tree hunting.hunting.
GettingGetting in early since all the good ones go first.
PickingPicking up Christmas visitorsvisitors from the airport.port.
Going to a shop where I can buy presents for my family and friends.
GiveGiving out the presents after reading the labels.labels.
OpeningOpening presents so that I can play with them.
HelpingHelping GrandmaGrandma cook dinner when we go to their house to stay Christmas night.
GobbleGobbling down scrumptiousscrumptious steak off the barbie.barbie.
By Reilly