Fabulous Powerful Sentences - Can you find your own?
CarryingCarrying her blanketblanket and basket,basket, little MollyMolly danceddanced cheerfullycheerfully up the smooth steps to get ontoonto the bus to go to the picnic.
StampingStamping her feet, mad Lucy marchedmarched angryangrily up the carpetedcarpeted stairs to her bedroom.
DraggingDragging her feet, terrifyterrified Ruby trudgedtrudged reluctantlyreluctantly down the narrownarrow staircasestaircase to the doctor’sdoctor’s surgery.
AvoidingAvoiding the creakinging stair, naughty Kate tiptoedtiptoed sneakysneakily down the woodenwooden stairs to the lolly jar in the kitchenkitchen pantry.
HoldingHolding her boardinging pass, happy MiracleMiracle gallopedgalloped excitedlyexcitedly alongalong the air bridge to get ontoonto the plane to Australia.
HoppingHopping on one foot, hurt Brooke hobbledhobbled sadlysadly off the field to the clubrooms.