How to Make an Erupting Volcano
Category: Instructions
You will need:
For the volcano itself -
- 1 stale loaf of bread
- a small circularcircular containercontainer
- a large plate or tray
For the eruption -
- bakebaking soda – 2 tbsps
- vinegarvinegar – about 4 tbsps
- dishwashingdishwashing liquidliquid – 1 squirt
- red and yellow food colouring – 2 drops of each
- measuremeasuring spoons
Step 1: First put the bread on the giant plate where it will look like the mountain.
Step 2: After that, squeeze the circular container intointo the middle of the bread.
Step 3: Drop the spoonfulsspoonfuls of baking soda into the container.
Step 4: Squirt in the dishwashing liquid.
Step 5: Then add the drops of food colouring.
Step 6: Finally tip in the vinegar and watch your volcano erupt!
By Amy