How do Meteorites Happen?

Category: Explanations

MeteoroidsMeteoroids are small rocks that don’t always go into Earth. Some go to Earth and go out again. They are called grazing fireballs. If they are bigger than ten metres in diameterdiameter they are called asteroids.asteroids. If they burn up through the atmosphere,atmosphere, it is a shooting star or a meteor.meteor. There are millions of meteors every day but most are small. It can be easier to see them at night. If meteors come at the same time and place they are called meteor showers. Meteors are probably broken fragmentsfragments of comets. A meteorite does not burn up in Earth’s atmosphere. If you observeobserve a meteorite it is called a ‘find’ but if you observe and recoverrecover it, it is called a ‘fall’. A black crust appears on the meteorite because when it goes into the Earth’s atmosphere, it is really hot. A crater happens when a meteorite hits the ground. There are too kinds of meteorites - metallicmetallic and stoney.stoney. A metallic meterorite is made of iron or nickel.nickel. A stoney one is made of rock.
By Liammeteor 300px


Still More Tell Me Why by Arkady Leokum published 1973 by Hamlyn Publishing Group
