Super Gamer! A Description of Reilly

Category: Descriptions

"Hey Reilly, I found out how to get weaponsweapons in a vehicle,"vehicle," says Millar. Then he shows me how.

My hair is stickingsticking up like black sand pulledpulled up by a magnet.magnet. My eyes are as brown as poo. They are starestaring at the TV and never coming off. My fingersfingers are movemoving on the controllerscontrollers as fast as the fastestfastest thing in the world - lightning!lightning! When the musicmusic gets faster,faster, my heart beats fasterfaster with it. My whole body is movemoving in the same directiondirection when I am steering the car so that I don't fall off the edge of the world.

"It's dinnerdinner time!" Mum bellows.  

"Mum, I don't want to come yet!" I blast back.


