Just Playing Playstation - A Description of Millar

Category: Descriptions

Pow! The bad guy turns into a puff of steam and he disappears.disappears. My brown eyes are fixed on the TV screen like an owl fixed on a worm. My fingers move in every direction,direction, like a touch typist.typist. The pictures on the TV screen move quicklyquickly too. The music starts slow and it gets fasterfaster and faster and faster. I whoop, "Yes!!!!" as I win a challenge.challenge. I smell the hot chocolatechocolate as I take a big slurp out of the hot mug. My fingers tingletingle from the vibrationsvibrations from the controller'scontroller's rough buttons. When I am focussingfocussing I lean forward. When I am relaxingrelaxing I lean back against the couch.

"Millar!!! Come and do your homeworkhomework and then eat your dinner,"dinner," yells Mum from the kitchen.kitchen.  

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