Eurasian Wolves

Category: Animal Reports

Did you know that wolfwolves are the biggestbiggest dog in the caninecanine family? FoxesFoxes and dingoesdingoes are wolves’ cousins.cousins. They live in forests, steppe, tundratundra and mountainsmountains in EuropeEurope and North America.America.  

Present Distribution of Eurasian WolfPresent distribution of wolf subspecies eur updated

 have coats
 that range in colour from white to grizzled-grey,grizzled-grey, brown and black. Wolves have two coats. The top coat keeps them dry and the bottom coat keeps them warm. They have long legs. On their back legs they have four toes but on their front legs they have an extraextra toe up on the leg. It is called a dew claw.  

1280px 15047This wolf has eaten prey that he caught in the snow.Wolves are good hunters.hunters. They hunt in packs to chase down the young, old, slow and sick prey. They can run about 65 kilometreskilometres per hour.

Wolves eat deer, elk, moose, beavers, rabbits,rabbits, squirrelssquirrels and birds.

Wolves live in packs of five to twenty animals. They mate in February to March. The mother has two to eight cubs after 65 days.

People are the main danger for wolves. They are scaredscared of them so huntershunters and farmersfarmers kill them. Wolves nearly disappeareddisappeared but they are returning.returning.  


Fact Box 

Wolves have good hearing, sharp eyesight and a good sense of smell.

Wolves look a lot like GermanGerman ShepherdShepherd dogs. They are dangerousdangerous carnivores.carnivores. They run fast to chase down their prey. They live in packs. I think it is good that wolves are no going to become extinct.extinct.  


canine  name for the dog family 
carnivores meat eaters
dingoes  wild dogs from Australia
elk  a kind of deer
grizzled coloured tips of hair
moose the largest kind of deer
steppe grassy plains
tundra area where the subsoil is always frozen


Mrs Nunweek's Fact File

A-Z Animals

National Geographic Kids

My Best Book of Wolves and Wild Dogs, published by Kingfisher in 2003


By Liam
