
Category: Animal Reports

1024px Gulo gulo 01The wolverine is climbing a tree trunk.WolverineWolverine are the biggest mustelidmustelid in the world. Weasels, ottersotters and stoats are its cousins.cousins. They are found in many places aroundaround the world. SometimesSometimes people call it a skunk bear because it looks a little bit like a small bear and smells bad like a skunk. Its scientificscientific name is gulo gulo which means glutton.

Where They Live
World Map of Wolverine DistributionGulo gulo levilaWolverine live in birch forests and in mountains in North America and Europe. In these cold places, they dig long tunnelstunnels to snow caves and they take over old dens that bears have vacated.

What They Look Like
Diagram of a Wolverinewolverine diagramWolverine can weigh 25 kilograms.kilograms. They can alsoalso be 90 centimetrescentimetres long and 43 centimetres tall, makemaking them about the size of a big dog. Their long fluffyfluffy tails are about 25 centimetres in length. On their bodybodies they have shine,shiny thick, dark fur with lighterlighter patches,patches, to protectprotect them from the cold. Stripes decoratedecorate their face, back, hips and shoulders.shoulders. Wolverines have large heads with small widelywidely set ears and eyes and powerfulpowerful jaws. To catch prey, they have a very good sense of smell and hearinghearing but not very good eyesight.

What They Eat
Sharp teeth with crushingcrushing molarsmolars help wolverine cut and rip open their prey.

Fact Box 

Wolverine can eat frozen meat using their strong teeth and powerful jaws. 

HuntingHunting alone,alone, they catch and eat mice, rabbits,rabbits, hares, marmots,marmots, squirrels,squirrels, birds, sheep, goats, reindeer,reindeer, and the biggestbiggest of all, moose! In winterwinter they scavengescavenge for food more because there is less prey availableavailable in the ArcticArctic Circle.

How They Move
To dig tunnelstunnels in the snow and climb trees, wolverine use their powerful legs and sharp claws. Their attackattack mode is to jump on their prey’s back and hold on tightlytightly untiluntil the animal falls, especiallyespecially for biggerbigger animals like reindeer and moose.

Life Cycle
Wolverine make their dens by diggingdigging tunnels in the snow, although they do notdon’t hibernate.hibernate. In their dens the females wait for 50 days until they have 2 to 3 babybabies (kits) in February, in the winter. When they are born they are white and they are weaneded after 70 days (10 weeks) when they leave their den. Wolverine are solitarysolitary tough animals that travel great distancesdistances high up in the tiagatiaga and tundratundra to find food.

For wolverine, their main enemyenemy is people, larger predatorspredators and their tough habitathabitat in the snow and ice.

Wolverine look like giant ferrets but I would notwouldn’t want one as a pet. If they eat a reindeer, they can eat me! Their large paws are like show shoes and their claws are like cramponscrampons but I would notwouldn’t want to go trekkingtrekking through the snow with them. Finally,Finally, they are beauty,beautiful solitary carnivores but they still spend time with their babies in their dens.


Arctic Circle   imaginary circle around the North Pole mustelids the family that weasels, otters, stoats and wolverine belong to
birch   trees in the stunted forests of the tiaga  scavenge  eating dead animals 
carnivores meat eaters  solitary  being alone 
crampons spikes on a boot for walking in snow or ice tiaga  stunted forests in the Arctic region below the tundra
glutton greedy person or animal tundra treeless flat Arctic region where subsoil is permanently frozen
hibernate sleep through the winter vacated lived in and left
molars back teeth weaned no longer drinking mother's milk


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A-Z Animals

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By Ben

Photograph by Matthias Kabel
