
Category: Animal Reports


lynx mapWorld Map of Distribution of Lynx

A lynx is a type of wild cat that lives in America,America, EuropeEurope and Asia.Asia. They like to live in forests,forests, rockyrocky places and snow.


What Lynx Look Like

Lynx have short bodybodies with powerfulpowerful legs. Their back legs are longerlonger than their front legs. The big pads on their large round paws make their feet like snow shoes. To eat prey, they have sharp teeth and strong claws. They can be 70 to 100 centimetrescentimetres long. The male can weigh 30 kilogramskilograms and the femalefemale 20 kilograms.They can be about 50 centimetres tall. In summersummer their fur is yellowyyellowy brown to red with black spots and white on the belly. In winter their fur is thick and fluffyfluffy to keep them warm. On the tip of their short tails there is a black patch. Lynx cats have big ears with tufts on the tips and they have long whiskerswhiskers to feel with. If danger or prey is withinwithin 50 metres they can see and hear it very well.

lynx diagram


What Lynx Eat

Lynx are carnivores.carnivores. They eat small mammalsmammals like mice, squirrels,squirrels, hares and rabbitsrabbits and biggerbigger animals like foxes,foxes, wild pigs, deer and reindeer. They also eat birds and fish.

How Lynx Move

Lynx run fast when they want to catch their prey but they oftenoften give up and let the lynx photoLynx have big padded paws like snow shoes and thick, fluffy fur to keep warm in the snow.prey go the first time. They climb rocks and trees and swim reallyreally well.

Lynx's Life Cycle

Lynx can live for 10 to 20 years. They live alonealone but in spring they make a den with rocks and they find a mate. After ten weeks they have 1 to 4 babies. The kittenskittens are blind. They stay with their mother for a year.

Lynx's Enemies

The babybabies are in dangerdanger from foxes.foxes. All lynx are huntedhunted by wolfwolves but people are very dangerousdangerous for lynx because they take their habitathabitat and they hunt them for their fur. Although we are not allowed to do it now,  people still poach them.

Fact Box 

Lynx paws have toes that spread when they hit the ground. 


Lynx are beautybeautiful animals. They live in forestsforests in cold places like Sweden. They catch their prey by swimming,swimming, climbing and runningrunning fast. Although they are solitarysolitary animals, their babies stay with their mothers for a year. We should look after lynx by not killingkilling them for their fur and not cuttingcutting down trees.



belly   tummy  poach hunting that is against the law 
carnivores animals that eat meat  prey  hunted and eaten animals 
den home  solitary  being alone 
habitat  where something lives  tuft  bits of fur that stick up 



  1. Fact File about Lynx, by Lynda Nunweek
  2. Discover Series Big Cats, by Xist Publishing
  3. National Geographic 

By Amy
